Sunday, June 12, 2011

Interviews with Nicky Quba

RAG- First, I would like to thank you for taking time for this interview, I know it sounds strange but your a very difficult person to catch up with....

Nicky Quba- I would agree its difficult

RAG- Recently, we spoke with Odd Future's Tyler the Creator and he seems to love your work, he only had good things to say..

Nicky Quba- Tyler (laughs), I just finished working on one of there new videos in Hollywood

RAG- Was it a good or bad thing? (laughs)

Nicky Quba- I really don't know, I'm Megamind the Genius and the things we talked about off camera are probably more intelligent than whats on camera..(laughs)

RAG- We'll continue this interview with Nicky Quba- Megamind the Genius, with more details about his up and coming project with Odd Future and Tyler the Creator

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