Monday, June 6, 2011

RAG: Rumors and Gossip News- Usher Now On Board To Donate Gaddafi Money To Charity!

Alongside Beyonce, Nelly Furtado and Mariah Carey, Usher has decided to donate all of his personal money he acquired back in 2009 from doing a concert on the Island of St. Barts for a member of the Gaddafi Family Mustasim Guddafi, Muammar’s 4th son. According to People Magazine,The Gaddafi family is currently under investigation for possible war crimes, including ordering the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 in December 1988 that killed 270 people. Every artist that were booked to perform for any member of the Gaddafi Family receieved $1 Million dollars. As soon as Usher got whind of his involvment, he decided to donate 100% of the earnings from the show to worthy charities. He has already donated a portion of  the money to Amnesty International, an oranization that is geared towards helping and protecting human rights.
Usher instantly released a statement after the catastrophic news:
I am sincerely troubled to learn about the circumstances surrounding the Nikki Beach St. Bart’s event that took place on New Year’s Eve 2009,” said Usher. “I will be donating all of my personal proceeds from that event to various human rights organizations.”

Thanks Usher for the love you have for Humanity!

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