Saturday, July 2, 2011

RAG: Rumors and Gossip News- Luther Campbell (Uncle Luke) Is Still Running for Mayor of Miami

From man whore to Mayor, the 50 year old former 2- Live Crew rapper Luke is running for Mayor of Miami. Campbell has filed all of the necessary paperwork to run for mayor of Florida’s Miami-Dade County. Ok so I’m confused does this mean he won’t be hosting strip-a-thons anymore?

In an interview Luke had this to say: “My major hurdle is people taking me seriously, a lot of people think this is a joke,” he said. “I call it a banana republic and I’m serious about it. You look at the commission and they make their own rules as they go, regardless of what the county attorney says, they make their own rules, just do what they want. They have no respect for the people.”

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