Thursday, February 16, 2012

PF Nunn Spotlights the Stage in Chicago With Are the Kids Sleep Yet?

PF NUNN SPOTLIGHTS absurdity in the seemingly mundance performance is a wellspring for comedians. PF Nunns' observations dig deeper than most his latest masterpiece of showmanship performing, 'Are the Kids Sleep Yet?', silly isn't the word for the thoughts that cross the minds of those who are intrigued with his performance, BRILLIANT describes him best with silly overtones. PF Nunn displays the attributes of children thoughts absorbed in the minds of aliens that control our emotions, as well as our fiber of being. PF spends a lot of time excoriating our spolied, dumbed-down inner thoughts- for being loving and caring, which allows the cute mini-beings that surround our day to day lives to have advantages that adults wish were in existence as an adult. These lengthy rants pinpoint some really baffling societal hypocrisies (for instance children are naive to there wants), yet such generalized grousing doesn't really represent PF at his absolute best, even though points are stressed that we all must admit is a weakness when it comes to children. His truly brillant material is always his most deeply personal, the stuff that makes a person look into the eyes of society and say hmmm. Brilliance can be said in two letters of the alphabet, PF.

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